Wedding Venue in North Texas
Tips, Free Guides and Details from Experienced Pros
Wedding Planning Resources from Our Texas Venue Team
Grab more event planning resources, floorplan checklists, and inspiration from real events below!
10 Things You HAVE to do as the Wedding Party... if you want to be the best party ever, of course.1 - Be organized:
Make sure you have all the important details like timing, location, dress code, transportation, etc. sorted out beforehand so that there are no last-minute surprises.
2 - Show up early:
Make sure you arrive at the wedding venue early enough to help with last-minute preparations and to provide support to the bride and groom.
3 - Be attentive:
Pay attention to the needs of the bride and groom throughout the wedding day, and be on hand to offer assistance and support whenever needed.
4 - Stay hydrated:
Keep yourself well-hydrated throughout the day so that you remain energetic and alert.
5 - Be flexible:
Be ready to roll with whatever changes or unexpected situations may arise during the day.
6 - Be courteous:
Be polite and courteous to everyone you meet, including the guests, the vendors and the staff.
7 - Have fun:
Enjoy yourself and encourage others to have a good time too.
8 - Dance:
Be part of the dance floor and encourage others to join in the wedding festivities.
9 - Take initiative:
Step in and take charge whenever necessary, especially when the bride or groom is too occupied.
10 - Be supportive:
Finally, remember that being part of a wedding party is an important responsibility. Be there for the bride and groom, and offer them your support every step of the way.
Hawthorn HillsWe love to help others & being a part of your big day! We believe in dreaming big, smiling often & southern charm. Categories
LocationUnder 40 miles from DFW Airport and Gainesville.
Less than 50 miles from Downtown Fort Worth and Dallas. |