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How did you know you were "READY TO PROPOSE"?For both Hunter and Andy, there was not a specific moment that happened that made them jump up and think "YES. This is the person". They shared that the relationship grew, and they found themselves prioritizing Jenna/Amanda and felt that it was time to take the next step together. When they felt ready they both took two steps:
That being said, they both went into detail on how they would have done the proposal without the ring if the timing felt right and if they knew their significant other would have been okay with it. That is a decision that hopefully you know what is important to your partner and can make that choice wisely. Securing the Ring & Talking to the Parents
One thing we both learned? Our husbands like rose gold. *shrugs* Really though - from Andy's experience with a North Texas jeweler who built rings to Hunter's creative use of combining a family heirloom with Jenna's style both men had a unique way to getting a personalized ring they felt mirrored the style of their soon-to-be fiancé (aka us). It was fun listening to something different than going into a store and shopping from a display case - so if you are wanting something truly unique be sure to hear how they did it so you know what to expect.
Planning for the ProposalWe are thrilled that Hunter and Andy did a deep dive into their pre-planning for the proposal. Whether your proposal is local, in Texas or where ever you call home or destination like Andy's proposal in Mexico there is some pre-planning that comes in. They suggest to NOT share all of your details with people, and if you have to just keep it simple to only the 1 or possibly 2 people that need to know. Why's that you ask? Well, both of our guests today shared that their plans did not go according to their plan - and the last thing you want is for someone you told plan A to to ask your new fiancé "how did you like ____" when you had to completely switch gears and go with a different route and skipped that altogether. Nerves? Oh yes. Even though Hunter's proposal was intimate and relaxing his nerves were on high alert just at the thought of getting down on one knee. (Love is blind friends - this is where this conversation got brought in around 26:30) The confidence that is shown on some shows, is not always the case even after years and years of dating - as we all know it truly comes down to 1 question and there is no guarantee the answer will be what you expect. In addition to that though, this proposal step in life is not just about their answer. A lot of the nerves come from yourself - you are at a HUGE stage in life, and kneeling down you are committing to a future and path in life. Tips to conquer those nerves:
1 ) they won't know your original plan so you are the only person who knows it was messed up and 2) if the end result is you two taking the next step then it's all okay!
Andy said the first thing he would do is also ask a question:
Is there anything that you would have done differently? Andy: Yep, would have bought my now wife a motion sickness patch before riding the ferry. Really though, no nothing would have been changed. Hunter: Maybe just minor details that got messed up during the day, but overall no because the end result was perfect. Final thoughts from two North Texas Wedding Dudes
Hawthorn HillsWe love to help others & being a part of your big day! We believe in dreaming big, smiling often & southern charm. Categories
LocationUnder 40 miles from DFW Airport and Gainesville.
Less than 50 miles from Downtown Fort Worth and Dallas. |