Sunday Spotlight: YellibellyThere are always specific things that guests remember from events and especially weddings. Decor, food and favors are three of these items - what if you could choose one thing that set all three of these above the others? A custom favor, EDIBLE - no make that a delicious chocolate that is not only personalized for you but made by a talented local professional? Yellibelly Chocolates makes a variety of gifts and favors as a perfect touch for your evening. Plus, let's be honest if you are hosting an event odds are you could use a little stress relieving chocolate! Yelibelly Chocolates is one of a kind - able to tailor your truffle flavors to match your theme, flowers, and more you won't have to settle for sub par sweets once you choose to work with them. Maybe you're just looking for a sweet bridal shower and would like to schedule a chocolate buffet and host your own tasting party. Regardless, with a preservative free option, an award winning chocolatier and professional artisan you won't regret scheduling a tasting!
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Hawthorn HillsWe love to help others & being a part of your big day! We believe in dreaming big, smiling often & southern charm. Categories