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Sunday Spotlight: K & K Photography
"To be able to do what we love and bring so much joy to so many clients is truly a blessing!" These twin sisters are always side by side, so it only seemed right to start a career together a year ago and now they can give clients 2x the passion and 2x the hard work. They include a second shooter with every package at no additional cost, and feel very strongly that having two photographers there on your big day ensures that they are able to capture every moment and from different point of views. Be sure to keep them in mind for your next special day, and keep an eye on this pair's quickly growing business! We know you will love their style, kind hearts as much as we do. Comments are closed.
Hawthorn HillsWe love to help others & being a part of your big day! We believe in dreaming big, smiling often & southern charm. Categories
LocationUnder 40 miles from DFW Airport and Gainesville.
Less than 50 miles from Downtown Fort Worth and Dallas. |