Wedding Venue in North Texas
Tips, Free Guides and Details from Experienced Pros
Wedding Planning Resources from Our Texas Venue Team
Grab more event planning resources, floorplan checklists, and inspiration from real events below!
Part 2 - Reception |
CATERING - Buffet lines must be served by catering staff - Condiments: served by staff or in individual packets - Flatware, plates and napkins should be at the buffet supervised during the day/event - Use disposables if possible and do not reuse for refills - Cake should be served by catering staff and sitting in the reception area |
GENERAL HEALTH & SAFETY - Have hand-sanitizer stations at every entrance, at the bar & at the buffet lines - Post signs: "to have & to hold, from 6 feet apart" - Provide masks for guests and members of your wedding party that you may be within 6 feet of - Event staff should wear masks and gloves - Encourage all guests who have been ill, with a temperature over 100 degrees and are experiencing any of the symptoms listed here to stay home. |
We love to help others & being a part of your big day! We believe in dreaming big, smiling often & southern charm.
Freebies And Downloads
Hawthorn Hills Ranch
Planning Tips
Real Weddings
Venue Team
LocationUnder 40 miles from DFW Airport and Gainesville.
Less than 50 miles from Downtown Fort Worth and Dallas. |