Wedding Venue in North Texas
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If you've read our Part 1 to starting your timeline then you already have your outline - the big moving pieces listed out and ready to rock. Now it's time to plug in all your specifics and make it your own and make it fit your day. Everyone has a different list, recently we are seeing less and less of some traditions such as the garter toss. So if there is anything you do or don't want to include in your wedding ceremony or reception timeline feel free to make it all you own! Let's do a quick run down of some of the most common / main items.
If you don't have a professional to work with in drafting your timeline - reach out to our team. We're happy to help and offer this service for couples across Texas and beyond.
Contact Us HERE Did you miss the first part to our Timeline 101: Prep? Check it out HERE Comments are closed.
Hawthorn HillsWe love to help others & being a part of your big day! We believe in dreaming big, smiling often & southern charm. Categories
LocationUnder 40 miles from DFW Airport and Gainesville.
Less than 50 miles from Downtown Fort Worth and Dallas. |